You can check out Dying Light 2 Stay Human's new story trailer below. The zombies and beasts that await in Techlands survival horror sequel. According to Techland, the infected aren't zombies at all but instead "half-alive, suffering people." They attack everything that lives because of their pent up pain and rage, Techland said. What's most interesting about the video, though, is the classification of the game's zombies-er, Freakers. Where Mia is remains unknown, as she is the only one who can fill in the gaps to Aiden's story.
Techland recently attached a December 7 launch date to Dying Light 2 Stay Human, confirming the game will drop on PC, PlayStation. While Dying Light 2 features human enemies, you will mainly be dealing with hordes of infected. This series will include the Dying Light 2 full games story plot, story with all upgrades, Zombies, Boss Fight ,Missions, review and first impressions. The virus won, and humanity is slowly dying. Buy the game once to both play it on Xbox One and get its optimized version for Xbox Series X S It’s been 20 years since the events of the original game.

Aiden sets off for Villedor, the city in which the game takes place, in order to search for Mia, his lost sister. The studio responded, saying the game was not in development hell. Upgrade your experience with Smart Delivery. It focuses on the new protagonist Aiden, who is a Pilgrim that makes regular journeys between human settlements. Fight off Dying Light 2s new 'Pumpkintile' enemies for special treats in this week-long Halloween event. The two were medically experimented on as kids, but after a fire, Aiden managed to escape. Dying Light 2 is an open-world parkour sandbox and a follow-up to 2015's zombie-slaying game Dying Light. Dying Light 2 Stay Humans First Halloween Event Turns Zombies Into Pumpkins.

Dying Light 2 Stay Human takes place in 2036 and follows protagonist Aiden as he hunts for his sister Mia. In the four-minute-long trailer, Techland walked through the narrative setup, revealing that the virus from the first game spread to the sequel's setting. Why did no one just tell me it was Mirrors Edge with zombies. Dying Light 2 Stay Human developer Techland unveiled a new story trailer during the PC Gaming Show at E3 2021, where the studio discussed elements of the narrative and reiterated that the infected aren't zombies (despite looking and behaving a lot like your traditional zombie). But the more I see of Dying Light 2, the more I want to make sure I dont repeat that mistake.